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city of GENMAR

City of Genmar

War Banner

In the realm of Astraea, the city of Genmar stands as a beacon of 
nt and resilience. Carved from this wild land by the 
    formidable Archons of Genmidien, Genmar blossomed into a bustling
    metropolis, revered for its blend of magic and commerce. While the
    Archons' rule brought prosperity, it also stirred quiet unrest among the
    populace. In response to these growing tensions, the Archons created
    the Shields of Genmar, a group of elite warriors empowered with
    magical power. In the dawn of this new era, unity and strength became
    the city's defense against threats seen and unseen.

Elite Shields
Genmar logo

The Elite Shields

The Shields of Genmar, embodying loyalty and camaraderie,

    mastered the art of balanced warfare. Clad in shining armor

    and wielding towering shields, they seamlessly combine

    offensive prowess with unyielding defense on the battlefield.

    Their versatile abilities allow them to launch potent attacks

    while forming protective formations, stunning foes with

    shield bashes, and bolstering allies through disciplined

    positioning, reflecting their thematic dedication of honor

    and teamwork.

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