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Karstien Keep


During the Great Invasion, a group of rebels emerged, led 

    by the courageous Arcturius Vikkand. To combat overwhelming odds,
    they delved into forbidden magic, summoning formidable and 
    otherworldly creatures for aid. This drastic action, although turning the
    tide of the war, led to their exile, as their powers and appearance

    became frighteningly similar to the very monsters they conjured.  Their

    magics morphed their physical form, but through pride, they embraced

    dejection and wore their nickname, The Risen, with honor.

    After their exile, The Risen settled in a cold valley in the mountains,

    surrounded by swamplands, where they founded Karstien Keep, their

    capital. More a sprawling encampment than a traditional city, Karstien

    Keep is a labyrinth of ruined castles and modified wooden structures,

    reflecting the resilience and adaptability of the Risen.  Despite the

    physical and social consequences of their actions, they stood resilient.

    Embracing the identity forced upon them, The Risen vowed to use their

    formidable powers to combat tyranny and invasion, embodying a tale of

    sacrifice, the moral complexities of power, and the enduring spirit of
    defiance against oppression.

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The Exiled Risen

In combat, the Risen excel with an aggressive style, enhanced by their
nique blood magic. This magic grows stronger with each wound they
    receive, turning their injuries into sources of increased power. Their
    approach is high-risk, transforming every sustained injury into a boost
    for their destructive capabilities. This makes them unpredictable in
    battle, as they gain strength from the very damage they endure. The
    Risen's fighting method is a daring blend of offense and resilience,
    where their vulnerabilities are paradoxically their greatest strengths.

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