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Visage Lands

"As they continue their relentless advance, it becomes increasingly clear
    that we must expand our knowledge of the Seraphim. Scouts must be
    sent with caution, for the telepathic and telekinetic abilities of the
    Seraphim poses a significant risk. However, understanding our enemy is
    paramount. Observations from the battlefield have provided us with
    valuable insights, yet many questions remain about their origins, their
    objectives, and how best to counter their seemingly unyielding march."
                                                                                          - Sagemaster Sigard

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Kestral Seraphim

The Kestral Seraphim master the battlefield with strategic brilliance,
    utilizing obelisk-like constructs to control and manipulate their
    opponents. These constructs penalize enemies for their actions,
    subtly guiding the flow of combat to the Seraphim's advantage.
    Their forces, highly mobile and endowed with otherworldly powers, 
    focus on positioning and th
e synergy between their units and 
    constructs. This strategy transforms the battlefield into a dynamic 
    puzzle, where the Seraphim's understanding of space and movement
    allows them to outmaneuver and outplay their adversaries, making 
    them not just fighters but strategists who turn every enemy move into 
    an opportunity for their victory.

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